Multi Token Support

Input Tokens

Note: Only token0 and token1 are supported as input tokens on every swap!

Output Tokens

If funds are meant to be stored in the pool (sovereignVault == address(this)): * Only token0 and token1 are supported as output token on swaps.


Sovereign Pool can support any output token on swaps. To check supported tokens, anyone can call getTokens function in Sovereign Pool, which provides relevant information for multi-hop swaps, having the Sovereign Pool as the entry point.

Example of a multi-hop swap:

  • There are two Sovereign Pools, A and B, with token0 and token1, and token1 and token2, respectively.

  • Each pool has a different Liquidity Module , LM A and LM B, both sharing the same sovereignVault

  • A swap for token0 -> token2 can start in pool A, since input token token0 belongs to pool A.

    • pool A queries LM A.

    • LM A understands that tokenOut is token2

    • LM A then query LM B to price the token1 -> token2

    • LM A now has a price for token0 -> token1 -> token2

  • sovereignVault approves pool A to transfer the appropriate amount of token2 to the user

    • pool A transfers the appropriate amount of token0 from the user to sovereignVault and transfers the appropriate amount of token2 from sovereignVault to the user.

    • pool A optionally makes a callback to update the state of LM A and LM B postswap.

This can be done in a coordinated way where LM A and LM B are able to safely update their respective reserves in sovereignVault, but the intermediate swap leg does not need a token transfer.

At the end of this process, pool A would be able to transfer token0 from the user into sovereignVault, and sovereignVault would have approved pool A to transfer due amount of output token token2 from itself to the recipient.

This achieves the same benefits that Singleton centric designs yield for multi-hop swaps, except that it is done through a different architecture that allows multiple Sovereign Pools and Liquidity Modules to decide what kind of vault they want to share. Note that the goal was to make multi-hop swaps possible through the Sovereign Pool architecture with custom sovereignVault, Valantis Labs has not yet released an implementation of a Singleton-like sovereignVault.

Last updated