The HOT contract implements the two interfaces: ISovereignALM and ISwapFeeModuleMinimal
import { ALMLiquidityQuoteInput, ALMLiquidityQuote } from '../structs/SovereignALMStructs.sol';
@title Sovereign ALM interface
@notice All ALMs bound to a Sovereign Pool must implement it.
interface ISovereignALM {
@notice Called by the Sovereign pool to request a liquidity quote from the ALM.
@param _almLiquidityQuoteInput Contains fundamental data about the swap.
@param _externalContext Data received by the pool from the user.
@param _verifierData Verification data received by the pool from the verifier module
@return almLiquidityQuote Liquidity quote containing tokenIn and tokenOut amounts filled.
function getLiquidityQuote(
ALMLiquidityQuoteInput memory _almLiquidityQuoteInput,
bytes calldata _externalContext,
bytes calldata _verifierData
) external returns (ALMLiquidityQuote memory);
@notice Callback function for `depositLiquidity` .
@param _amount0 Amount of token0 being deposited.
@param _amount1 Amount of token1 being deposited.
@param _data Context data passed by the ALM, while calling `depositLiquidity`.
function onDepositLiquidityCallback(uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes memory _data) external;
@notice Callback to ALM after swap into liquidity pool.
@dev Only callable by pool.
@param _isZeroToOne Direction of swap.
@param _amountIn Amount of tokenIn in swap.
@param _amountOut Amount of tokenOut in swap.
function onSwapCallback(bool _isZeroToOne, uint256 _amountIn, uint256 _amountOut) external;
@notice Struct returned by the swapFeeModule during the getSwapFeeInBips call.
* feeInBips: The swap fee in bips.
* internalContext: Arbitrary bytes context data.
struct SwapFeeModuleData {
uint256 feeInBips;
bytes internalContext;
interface ISwapFeeModuleMinimal {
@notice Returns the swap fee in bips for both Universal & Sovereign Pools.
@param _tokenIn The address of the token that the user wants to swap.
@param _tokenOut The address of the token that the user wants to receive.
@param _amountIn The amount of tokenIn being swapped.
@param _user The address of the user.
@param _swapFeeModuleContext Arbitrary bytes data which can be sent to the swap fee module.
@return swapFeeModuleData A struct containing the swap fee in bips, and internal context data.
function getSwapFeeInBips(
address _tokenIn,
address _tokenOut,
uint256 _amountIn,
address _user,
bytes memory _swapFeeModuleContext
) external returns (SwapFeeModuleData memory swapFeeModuleData);
The HOT does not implement the following method:
ISwapFeeModule.callbackOnSwapEnd Not implemented, since the SOT does not need to perform any post-swap state updates regarding its fee calculation logic.